What are the steps to follow to return the product?
The return period is a maximum of 14 days after the delivery date. Our company does not cover the cost of return. Orders marked "Returned to Sender" or "Rejected" are not accepted for a full refund, as there is no guarantee that the order will reach us at SAMRU Products. Returns are not accepted in person. Should you wish to return an item(s) you will be required in the first instance to contact us by email at
If you would like to return/refund your product, then please email with the subject to say Return/Refund and please include the following details:
- Order number
- Full name
- Full address
- Contact number
- Reason of return/refund
How long should I wait to receive the refund?
Once our support team have confirmed the return of the products you must allow between 5 and 10 business days for the money to return to its original payment method. It is important to note that this is the standard period and varies by financial institution. All refunds exclude any shipping charges which are strictly non-refundable.